You have 14 days from the date you received your item(s) to request a return. If you choose to return your item for a refund, you must ship your item(s) back to us, where the item(s) will then go through our evaluation process. This process can take up to 7 days from receipt.
Once approved, GOAT will refund you for the amount paid in GOAT Credit, minus the shipping costs to and from you, any applicable restocking fee, and any priority processing fee paid. Your GOAT Credit will be issued directly to your account and is available for use on any GOAT purchases, including offers.
Please note that for buyers located in the US, GOAT Credit issued as part of a refund expires exactly one year after its issue date, unless otherwise specified. For more details, please refer to the ‘Returns’ section of our Shipping, Purchases, and Returns Policy.